User Simulation

Building Intelligent Agents that Mimic Human Behaviour

FnTIR book CIA bibliography Toolkits Tutorials


This page is maintained by Nolwenn Bernard and Krisztian Balog. We welcome suggestions via email.

Search Engines

Toolkit Paper Summary
cwl_eval Azzopardi et al., SIGIR 2019 Implements various metrics within the C/W/L framework regarding the predicted user interactions with the ranked list of search results.
SimIIR Maxwell and Azzopardi, SIGIR 2016 Framework for simulating users based on the Complex Searcher Model, including the actions of querying, snippet examination, relevance assessment, and stopping.
SimIIR 2.0 Zerhoudi et al., CIKM 2022 Extends the original SimIIR framework by adding a dynamic query generator, introducing user types with distinct search behaviors, and using Markov models for stopping and query generation decisions based on these user types.


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Conversational Information Access

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